Navi Mumbai: BEST Bus Driver Faces Charges for Reckless Driving, Injuring Two Women

Navi Mumbai, 8th June 2024: The Koparkhairane police have registered a case against a BEST bus driver for reckless driving, resulting in injuries to two women who fell from the moving bus onto the highway. The injured victims, who sustained severe head injuries, are currently receiving medical treatment at a private hospital. The two sisters were on their way home when the accident occurred, prompting their family to demand action against the driver and compensation to cover the medical expenses.

As per the police report, Sita Tukaram Waghe, aged 32 and engaged in fish vending, resides in Bhimnagar, MIDC Rabale. In her statement to the police, Sita recounted that on June 1, she, along with her sister Soni Pawar, mother, and aunt, had gone to catch crabs at a creek near Koparkhairane. “The incident occurred during our return journey home,” she informed the police.

The police investigation revealed that the accident transpired between 6:15 pm and 6:30 pm near Varisht Hotel signal, Koparkhairane. Sita narrated, “We boarded the BEST bus 512 from sector 20 towards Rabale. While my mother and aunt boarded the bus, Soni and I stood near the footboard at the rear entrance. Due to the conductor’s presence near the door, we were unable to enter. However, when the bus suddenly swerved, we lost our balance and fell off. The bus driver did not stop to assist us, but my mother and aunt cried out for help,” Sita recounted.