Mumbai: Uddhav Thackeray’s Sena Claims Victory in Intra-Party Showdown, Asserts Dominance

Mumbai, 5th June 2024: In the recent electoral showdown between factions of the Shiv Sena, while the margin may be slender, the outcome arguably tilts in favour of Uddhav Thackeray, marking a significant moment in the party’s post-split trajectory since mid-2022. Despite Eknath Shinde’s Sena securing a notable share, Thackeray’s faction clinched 9 out of 21 contested Lok Sabha seats, boasting a respectable 43% strike rate, while Shinde’s contingent secured 7 out of 15 seats with a slightly higher strike rate of 47%.

What propels Uddhav’s Sena to affirm its identity as the authentic Shiv Sena, defying labels like ‘Nakli Sena’ hurled during the campaign, and even reclaiming the political legacy of Sena’s founder, Bal Thackeray, is its remarkable performance in Mumbai, the nucleus of the party. Winning 3 out of 4 contested seats in Mumbai, with the only Sena vs Sena defeat occurring after a recount in Mumbai North West by a slim margin of 48 votes, underscores their enduring stronghold. This success story reverberates beyond Mumbai, reflecting their resilience amidst challenges like MLA defections, organizational setbacks, and the loss of party identity and symbol.

In the battlegrounds where the contest was solely between the two Sena factions, Uddhav’s Sena emerged victorious in 7 out of 13 seats, while Shinde-led Sena secured 6. This achievement, attained with limited resources and amidst a backdrop of defections and organizational strain, highlights the astuteness of Uddhav and his allies like Sanjay Raut, Anil Parab, and Anil Desai.

For Shinde, though, there are silver linings. Securing wins in prestige constituencies like Kalyan and Thane, along with salvaging one seat in Mumbai North West, bolsters his political stature. However, the broader narrative underscores Uddhav’s personal triumph, particularly in Mumbai, once deemed a stronghold of the Sena. Despite assumptions of Uddhav’s faction being decimated, the results paint a different picture, raising pertinent questions about the future of a divided Sena as the state gears up for assembly polls.

Speculation brews regarding the cohesion of Shinde’s camp, especially considering the possibility of grassroots defections. The BJP’s lackluster performance in Maharashtra provides a buffer, but Shinde’s shaky standing, particularly in Mumbai, warrants introspection. While Uddhav vows not to welcome back ‘traitors,’ there’s a potential for reconciliation with disenchanted party members.

Shinde attributes the setback to opposition misinformation campaigns, emphasizing the electorate’s faith in development initiatives. Acknowledging the tight margins and late candidate declarations, he vows to rectify errors, particularly in dispelling doubts about constitutional threats. As Maharashtra braces for the political churn ahead, the saga of the two Senas unfolds against a backdrop of strategic recalibration and ideological contestation.