Monsoon Onset Anticipated as Mumbai Awakens to Overcast Skies and Gentle Breezes

Mumbai, 6th June 2024: Mumbai woke up to overcast skies and gentle breezes on Thursday morning, in line with the forecasts from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). The IMD’s predictions hinted at the onset of the monsoon season, with rains and thunderstorms anticipated later in the day.

Here’s the breakdown of today’s weather:

The day started with a minimum temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, with the possibility of reaching a maximum of 34 degrees Celsius. The expected average temperature for the day was around 32 degrees Celsius. Winds were projected to blow from the west-southwesterly direction, with a speed of approximately 5.6 km/h. Sunrise occurred at 6:00 am, and sunset is anticipated at 7:14 pm.

Looking ahead to the coming days:

The IMD’s seven-day forecast indicates a slight dip in minimum temperatures throughout the week, accompanied by ongoing rainfall. Friday’s minimum temperature is expected to hover around 28 degrees Celsius, decreasing to 27 degrees Celsius on both Saturday and Sunday.

As we move into the early days of the following week, temperatures are forecasted to drop further to approximately 26 degrees Celsius from Sunday through Tuesday. The impending monsoon is likely to bring consistent rain showers, contributing to a notable decrease in temperatures by an estimated 4-5 degrees Celsius.

Moreover, the IMD has issued a yellow alert for Mumbai and its surrounding areas, signaling the likelihood of significant rainfall in the upcoming days, as reported by the user Mumbai Nowcast on X.

Despite the forecasted rain, Mumbai’s air quality has remained satisfactory. The Air Quality Index (AQI) for PM10 particles was recorded at 63 by SAFAR-India. AQI values falling between zero and 50 are considered good, while those between 50 and 100 are categorized as satisfactory. Readings ranging from 100 to 200 are termed moderate, warranting some caution.