FYJC Mumbai: First Merit List for Class 11 Admissions to Release on June 27

Mumbai, 25th June 2024: As the deadline approaches for the release of the first merit list for Class 11 admissions in First Year Junior College (FYJC), Deputy Director of Education (DyDE) Mumbai, Sandeep Sangave, has assured that all applicants will find placement. He pointed out that the number of available seats in junior colleges across the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) exceeds the total number of applicants.

Scheduled for announcement on June 27, the first merit list is part of the Common Admission Process (CAP), managed online by the DyDE Mumbai office, overseeing a total of 2,49,050 seats. Despite receiving over 2.6 lakh applications for these seats, Sangave highlighted that the total intake capacity for FYJC exceeds 3.9 lakh seats, inclusive of minority and in-house quotas.

“There are 1,50,305 seats allocated under quota systems, including those for minority trusts and in-house quotas of affiliated schools,” Sangave explained. He noted that while some applicants apply under both CAP and quota, they can only secure admission through one category. Presently, over 13,000 admissions have already been confirmed as quota admissions continue.

Sangave advised candidates to carefully select colleges based on their expected cut-off scores. He cautioned against solely aiming for popular colleges without considering their eligibility against the college’s cut-off marks. “By making informed choices aligned with cut-offs, students increase their chances of securing a seat in initial rounds, allowing them to decide whether to accept the offered college or wait for better options in subsequent rounds,” Sangave emphasized.

However, Sangave stressed that once allotted a seat in their preferred college, candidates must confirm their admission promptly to remain in consideration for subsequent rounds. Last year, approximately 17,000 students lost their place in the system after failing to confirm admissions at their first-preference colleges.

He urged students and parents to regularly visit the official FYJC admission website for comprehensive information on seat availability, college cut-offs, and updates throughout the admission process.