Environmental Crisis in Uran: Chemical Tanker Washing Threatens Navi Mumbai’s Marine Life

Navi Mumbai, 19th June 2024: The Mumbai Metropolitan Region faces a new environmental concern with chemical tankers being washed near the creek in Uran, adding to existing hazards. Activists have observed fish mortality in the vicinity and raised alarm over the situation.

Despite allegations of local authorities ignoring the issue, environmentalists have escalated their concerns to government officials. Multiple emails have been dispatched to the environment ministry, tehsil office, and the office of the chief minister.

“The pollution control board has received numerous complaints, yet no remedial measures have been implemented. This negligent approach is adversely affecting the livelihood of fishermen dependent on the creek,” remarked Nandakumar Waman Pawar, president of Maharashtra Small Scale Traditional Fish Workers Union.

In correspondence dated June 18, NGO NatConnect alerted the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) to the extensive environmental infractions in the region. “The impact extends beyond marine life; the wetlands are also at risk as chemically contaminated water mixes during tides,” explained BN Kumar from NatConnect.